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Outline of the Course

There are seven to ten modules (depending on your level of experience and biblical knowledge) on the course and you must complete and pass them all in order to be recommended to the Bishop for LLM(R) licensing. The course is at the level prescribed by the Church of England's Ministry Division. The modules are outlined below.


Alongside the modules you will also be required to complete some practical duties in your home parish and a 6 week, mainly obersvational, placement in a parish that is different from your own (this is called an external placement).  In your home parish you will work closely with your incumbent or a named supervisor if your parish(es) are in vacancy.


You will also be required to work with a Vocations Advisor (who will be allocated to you) during Part 2 of the course as this is a discernment jouney.

Licensed Lay Ministry (Reader)

The course is outlined below. Most students jump straight to Part 2, very occasionally a student may feel they need to start on Part 1 or if they have a prior theological qualification they may be able to jump straight to Part 3. This will  be discussed and agreed as part of the application process.


You will need approximatley 7-10 hours per week to study for the duration of each module so it's worth thinking about what you might be able to give up (starting with your church commitments) in order to make this time as it should be a priority.


Click here to see a typical journey through the course (we call this a pathway document and each student is given one at the start of the course).


Teaching is mainly by video and on-screen text with some reading here and there. You will be exptect do a lot of reflection and to share your thoughts on the discussion Forum as well as in a weekly or fortnightly Learning Support Group session on Zoom (40 minutes to a hour long) and at Shared Learning Mornings. You can find a sample session here (look at the one labelled 'Advanced Session').

Modules for Part 1


What is God calling you to do in your life at this time, in this day? This module seeks to help you determine that and give you support as you live out our faith in the world and the church everyday.

Opening Up the Bible

Studying the bible is a lifelong journey. This module seeks to develop your understanding of scripture with help from biblical teachers around the world, notably evangelical teacher and scholar Tom Wright and gospel specialist Paula Gooder

Pastoral Care for Everyone

We all offer some kind of pastoral care in our lives of faith. The module seeks to help you identify the many different types of pastoral care, which ones you are using in your life and how to develop them.

Modules for Part 2


This module is taught entirely by Shared Learning mornings. Learn about the skills of preaching from our expert guest speakers.


This module introduces you to the amazing world of the OT, from a largely Jewish perspective (which after all is howJesus would have learned it!


Discover new things about familiar scriptures as you watch and listen to world renowned authorities talking about key books of the New Testament

Mission &

This moduleexplores a variety of different types of mission and evangelism and helps you develop in both.

Throughout the year: Vocational Discernment Parts 1, 2 & 3 and Parish Duties


Modules for Part 3



We continue to learn
more about the life
and skills of
a good preacher during three Shared Learning Mornings. On the final morning each person in the group will give a 5 minute homily.


This module examines some key doctrines which LLM(R)s often need to teach as well as outlining the role and place of the LLM(R)in the parish,Diocese and CofE

Worship &

This module examines
the role of the worship
leader, different
kinds of worship and
ministry through the
cycle of life as well as
leadership styles
and working in teams.

(Level 4)

Learn about
the theology and
types of pastoral care
and discern
how you
will use these important
skills in your ministry

Throughout the year: Vocational Discernment and Parish Duties

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