Outline of the Course
There are seven to ten modules (depending on your level of experience and biblical knowledge) on the course and you must complete and pass them all in order to be recommended to the Bishop for LLM(R) licensing. The course is at the level prescribed by the Church of England's Ministry Division. The modules are outlined below.
Alongside the modules you will also be required to complete 4 to 5 hours per week of practical placement duties in your home parish and a 6 week, mainly obersvational, placement in a parish that is different from your own (this is called an external placement). In your home parish you will work closely with your incumbent and leadership team, in the external placement you will work with an experienced Reader.
Licensed Lay Ministry (Reader)
The discernment process for Licensed Lay Ministry ( LLM(R) ) begins from the outset of the course. This could be at the Introductory level if you don't have much experience up front in church and/or you don't have much knowledge of the bible or theological qualifications. You will be allocated a Vocations Advisor (VA) at the outset of the course to help you with your journey of disernment. Towards the end of the first (or second depending on whether you are on a two or three year pathway) you will be asked to complete a self reflection form, your Vocations Advisor will be asked for a report as will your Vicar (or equivalent in a vacancy) and we will need support in the form of a resolution from your PCC. You will then be invited for a vocational discernment discussion with a small panel (this usually includes the Director of Studies, the Deputy Director of Studies and your Archdeaconry Assistant Warden of Readers). If it is agreed at the panel that you may indeed have a calling to LLM(R), you will go on to the final year of study, as outlined above.
Those who have studied on the old Transforming Faith course (and passed the assessments), or who have a University qualification in theology, may qualify for exemption from some of the modules and this will explored further on an individual basis prior to application for the first module. If you are in this category please contact the Director of Studies (dawn.glen@derby.anglican.org) before completing an application form.
Further information on this pathway can be found in the Discipleship Training Information Pack which is available by clicking here or by emailing dawn.glen@derby.anglican.org.